Friday, December 21, 2012

Dear Kenya Prayer Team,

I returned safely last night about 6pm from my 8,000 mile "commute to work".  I really enjoy the job of sharing Christ in Kenya.   I struggle to find words to describe God's work that I witnessed. Even though this was my 18th trip to Kenya since 2001, participating in the camp program was a different experience.  It was absolutely amazing to see how God worked in the 3 camps. To see a child, with joy on his face, take off a tattered shirt with holes and put on a new camp t-shirt was one thing I will never forget.  Many have never owned anything that was new. The Kenyan staff worked so well together, even though many of them had never done anything like this before.  What a privilege for me to be able to go and to watch God work out His great master plan. 

Your prayers have made all the difference.   I saw so many situations where I could tell that your prayers were the key to unlock the power of God there.  I am still getting an official number from the area camp directors in Kenya, but we are realizing that over 200 trusted Christ on this trip.

I'd like to share a personal story with you.  You prayed for a young girl on the camp staff who's name is Quinter.  She was the only one saved in her family.  God placed a burden in my heart that I should speak with that family about His great love for them.  As I sat in their dimly lit home late one evening on the western end of Mfangano Island, I could sense that their hardened hearts were softening as I shared with them how they could know the peace of having their sins forgiven.  Before the evening concluded, her father, mother and aunt would bow before God and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Her brothers refused to make that decision.  Quinter's mom shared with her later that she was fearful to have the very first white person in her home, but by the end of our visit she knew that Bobby was a friend of this family through Christ.  Thank you for your prayers for this family.  Quinter is pictured in the camp staff photo next to me with a hat.  Also pictured is her mother receiving her very first Bible.  Quinter could not put into words the joy she was feeling that evening.  Thank you for praying. 

There is so much more I could share with you that time will not allow.  I look forward to sharing more at our One Year Anniversary Dinner for Interlocking Ministries on January 15.  (Watch for the invitation.  Save the date on your calendar if you can come!)  But know we will one day have all eternity to share these stories and victories together.  Thank you so much for your partnering with Interlocking Ministries and enabling us to share the good news of the Gospel with those that have never heard. 

I hope you have a Blessed Christmas!
Bobby Johnson

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